
Below You'll Find Answers to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Yo!Rent and it's Offerings:

How does Yo!Rent work? In what programming language is the source code written?

Yo!Rent is a rental marketplace solution to build multi-vendor rental website where sellers can showcase, rent & sell their products. Yo!Rent is a fully customizable and scalable solution packed with advanced features.

Admin is the main controller of website. Commission through product rentals, PPC and product ownership sales are the major sources of revenue generation in this business model.

Sellers can create a shop and list their products for rent or sale after specifying the rental price, sale price, security deposit, shipping etc. on the website.

Buyers are able to browse and view all the products under various categories and they can rent or purchase the same after making payments on the website. Buyers who wish to rent a product are charged a refundable security amount while renting the product on the website. Once the product is returned to the seller, the seller initiates the Security Refund in the system (Complete/Partial/No Refund) based on returned product condition.

Yo!Rent's source code is written in PHP language.

Is the personalized demo FREE?

Yes, the personalized demo is free of cost for the first time.

Is rent, sell & purchase possible with Yo!Rent?

Yes. Yo!Rent is a platform for building a marketplace wherein the sellers can register themselves to showcase their products for both renting and selling. Admin has the flexibility to turn Rental option on/off as per the business needs.

Can the marketplace owner (Admin) modify the source code?

Yo!Rent is a scalable and customizable solution and the clients can modify it as per their business requirements. The developers who will work on the code will have to familiarize themselves with FATbit's framework.

How does a Yo!Rent powered Marketplace handle payments/money flow? Is there a flowchart that explains the same?

When a buyer makes a payment, the payment goes into Admin’s account and virtual payment is transferred to the seller's wallet after deducting Admin’s Commission. Once the seller requests for withdrawal, admin manually deposits the amount in sellers' bank/PayPal account. In seller's section, a form can be found under Account Information to add banking details. For extensive details, please follow link click here.

Does Yo!Rent have any geographical restrictions?

No, Yo!Rent doesn’t have any geographical restrictions. You can use this solution to launch your marketplace in any part of the world.

Can you set up a demo system for my client to test out?

Yes, we can set-up a demo for you to test the platform at your end which will be hosted on our server and will be valid for a limited time period.

Is it possible to add custom payment methods?

Yes, currently Yo!Rent comes integrated with 20+ payment gateways by-default. It's possible to integrate extra payment gateways into the Yo!Rent system. You may ask our team to perform the integration at an additional cost or have your own in-house team do that for you.

Yo!Rent comes integrated with following Payment Gateways:

  • Credit Card - Authorize.Net (AIM)
  • PayPal Payments Standard
  • Cash on Delivery
  • Bank Transfer
  • Amazon
  • Razorpay
  • Stripe
  • PayU Biz (India)
  • PayPal Adaptive Payments
  • Omise
  • CCAvenue
  • Khipu
  • Paytm
  • Citrus
  • Twocheckout
  • PayU money (India)
Does Yo!Rent support any reward-based system?

Yes, Yo!Rent comes with Referral Module which can be activated/deactivated by the Admin.

  • Users can share unique URL & earn reward points through the referral module system.
  • Admin can manage the reward points for referrers as well as referrals on registration and first purchase.
  • Admin can also credit any User's account with Generic reward points.
Does your platform support P2P rental marketplace?

Yes, Yo!Rent supports B2C, B2B and P2P marketplaces.

Does Yo!Rent have a detailed documentation about each feature?

Yes, we can provide you with system manuals that detail each and every feature in the system. Feel free to contact our support team for the same.

Does Yo!Rent provide an option to put a hold on the buyers' credit card until the product is returned safely?

Yes, Yo!Rent provides an option to hold the security deposit in the Portal's payment account.

Is there any seller/buyer verification method available in Yo!Rent?

Yes, Seller and Buyer verification management is available in Yo!Rent. Seller Approval forms can be managed from the Admin Panel. You can add multiple fields in order to gather the required information for seller onboarding.

Is there any provision in Yo!Rent to charge a customer for late return or product damage?

Yo!Rent offers a feature wherein Sellers can collect a security deposit from the User when they rent out a product through the platform. Seller then has the option to Refund (Full/Partial or No Refund) the security amount depending upon the date and condition of the returned product.

Is it possible to launch a Car Rental Marketplace with Yo!Rent?

Yes! Car rental marketplace can be built with Yo!Rent. Know more about car rental software features and business model.

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